"Agnes, you refused to give up your faith; help us to be proud of our faith, to love it, to be strong in it, to give wtiness to it daily. St. Agnes, patron saint of children, watch over the children of the world; keep them safe from harm, be with them in their hour of need; and always pray for them". Amen. Patron saint of chastity, engaged couples and the Girl Scouts. Feast day: January 21st.
"Dear Lord, please guide my family and me in the new year. Please bless us with good health. Please let us forget the anger we had in the previous year and move forward with healed hearts into a new year filled with endless opportunities". Amen.
"O Lord, grant us the spirit of fortitude, so that guided by the example of the martyr St. Sebastian, we may learn to bear witness to the Christian faith and patiently support the suffering of life. Through Christ our Lord". Amen. Patron saint of archers, soldiers and athletes. Feast day: January 20th
A Prayer for Ukraine:
"Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid,
that You will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders,
for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the
world that in this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers
and sisters in need. May we walk in Your ways so that peace and justice become
a reality for the people of Ukraine and for all the world". Amen
SATURDAY January 18
8:00 am Special Intention
4:00 pm + Wieslaw Pilipczuk
SUNDAY January 19
8:00 am + John & Anna Grinda
10:00 am + Irena Szklazewska 12:00 pm Larry & Joyce Guzy
MONDAY January 20
8:00 am Deceased of the Kmet & Struna Families
TUESDAY January 21
8:00 am + Stanley Gutfranski (Birthday Remembrance)
WEDNESDAY January 22
8:00 am + Chester, Hilda & Kenneth Zmija
THURSDAY January 23
8:00 am For Our Parish Family
FRIDAY January 24 + Rita Lada & Nettie Kowalski
8:00 am
SATURDAY January 25
8:00 am No Mass Request
4:00 pm No Mass Request
SUNDAY January 26
8:00 am + Cecilia Michalski
10:00 am + Stanislaw Stachnik & Helena & Jan Koziol
12:00 pm No Mass Request
IHM Christmas Collection for 2024 was $18,904.00 - The parishioners and friends of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish responded to the financial needs of our parish in a special way this Christmas even with the uncertainty of the economy. Many responded with significant donations to the parish for its needs. Thank you! Father Ralph Hudak.
Presented Here are Some of our Recent Past Christmas Collections:
2023 - $18,654.00 2020 - $20,041.00 2017 - $23,875.18
2022 - $15,448.00 2019 - $22,084.00 2016 - $23,521.52
2021 - $21,594.00 2018 - $26,745.00 2015 - $23,869.11
A Change of Mind - The Saturday 8:00 a.m. Mass will continue as usual. If you would like a particular intention for a Saturday Mass, it will begin with January 4, 2025. Contact the parish office. The parish Mass policy is in the church bulletin. Fr. Hudak.
Contribution Statements for 2024 - Registered parishioners who need a tax statement of their 2024 contributions for tax purposes may request one by calling the rectory at (216-341-2734) during office hours (Mon.-Fri., 9-2 pm), sending a note through the mail, or put a note in the collection basket. Please include in this note your NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER AND ENVELOPE CONTRIBUTION NUMBER. Thank you!
IHM Parishioners Support Catholic Education Through the Use of the Blue Envelope - The diocesan program "Keeping the Faith" has been implemented in IHM parish by collaborating with St. Stanislaus Elementary School. Through the use of the blue envelope in your mailed home packet which began in January 2024, IHM parishioners have donated to St. Stanislaus School, one year later $4,305.00. Thank you to all who have participated in this continuing program. You are encouraged to assist in this endeavor as the opportunity presents itself.
National Catholic Schools Week - Each year, the last week of January, the Diocese of Cleveland together with dioceses across the country, observe NCSW. As a community, we recognize the value of Catholic education and support educating youth as they reach their full potential while being guided by faith. The week for this support is January 26-31, 2025. This week allows parishioners and entire communities to acknowledge the vital role of school staff and volunteers who are dedicated to this mission. The week-long celebration provides student recognition as they commit to learning about their faith and the skills they need in the 21st century. Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish being one of many parishes without a Catholic day school should still be aware of and support Catholic schools in any way possible. It is the shared responsibility of all Catholics to promote Catholic education.
Latin America-El Salvador Collection is January 25-26 - Cleveland Latin America Mission in El Salvador. It is the main support for two Diocese of Cleveland priests, Fr. Paul Schindler and Fr. John Ostrowski. The 61 years of service from Cleveland priests, Religious and Laity have been supported by thousands of donations from the people in the Diocese of Cleveland. This appeal also makes a contribution to the Collection for the Church in Latin America that is managed by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and benefits projects and the formation of seminarians, religious and lay leaders in 23 countries across Latin America. Please us the envelope for this purpose found in your monthly mailed home packet.
Annual Mass for Life - will be on Friday, January 17, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. in the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist (corner of E. 9th and Superior Avenue, downtown). The Office for Human Life invites students, families and people from all across the Diocese to celebrate dignity and sanctity of all human life at this special liturgy. All are welcome.
Art & Environment Committee - will take down the Christmas decorations on Saturday, January 18th at 8:30 a.m. You are invited to help in this task. Christmas season ends with the Baptism of the Lord on Sunday, January 12th. Ordinary Time begins for the Church's liturgical calendar on Monday, January 13th. Green vestments will be worn by the priest during this period.
National Collection for the Catholic University of America is January 19th - Located in the heart of the nation's capital, CUA offers graduate and undergraduate courses in more than 180 academic programs. By giving to this collection, you will help support more than 6,000 students who are seeking a faith-filled education at an institution that supports cutting-edge research in multiple fields. Your investment will enable CUA to continue to support the Church and to advance its work of preparing the next generation of leadership, both religious and lay, of our Church and nation. Please use the envelope found in your monthly mailed home packet for this purpose.
District Pre-Baptism Class - for parents will be held at Holy Name Church, 8328 Broadway Avenue, on Sunday, January 19th at 1:00 p.m. Call the parish office during regular business hours to register or for more information 216-271-4242.
Monday Prayer for Women at the Jesuit Retreat Center - Monday, January 20th, 9:30-11:00 a.m. Women from all walks of life are invited to pray together and learn more about the beauty of prayer. Led by Sr. Mary Ann Flannery, S.C., this prayer group will refresh your spirit and help you find strength in regular prayer habits. Free will offering accepted (walk-ins welcome, registration not required). Located at 5629 State Road in Parma. (440-884-9300) or (https://www.jesuitretreatcenter.org).
The Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children - is Wednesday, January 22, 2025. On this anniversary of the Supreme Court decision, "Roe v. Wade" (1973), all dioceses of the United States observe a "day of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion" (GIRM).
2025 Catholic Charities Appeal - kicks off in January with the theme "Make Me a Channel of Your Peace". During the week beginning January 27, 2025, over 100,000 households will receive a letter from Bishop Malesic encouraging support for the Appeal and asking each of us to embrace this theme. The Appeal goal is $15.3 million and is needed to continue to serve nearly 400,000 people in need. Donations can be made (online) or by texting CCHOPE to 41444. All parishes of the diocese will conduct the "In-Pew Appeal" the weekend of February 15-16.
Available Mass Dates for January & February - Please consider scheduling a Mass for your beloved dead or any other special occasion. Also, remember that the Saturday 8:00 a.m. Mass has been reinstated. In January: 25th - 8:00 am & 4:00 pm, 26th - 12 pm, 27th - 8:00 am and 28th 8:00 am. In February: 1st - 8:00 am, 8th - 8:00 am & 4:00 pm, 9th - 12 pm, 15th - 8:00 am, 22nd - 8:00 am & 12 pm.
Epiphany House Blessings - Blessed house blessing packets will be located in baskets on the steps of our parish nativity scene. They are printed in English and Polish. Please take one home for your private home blessing this "Jubilee Year 2025 of the Lord". Feel free to pass it on to a person of another household, too. This would make you an active member of the evangelization ministry our Holy Father, Pope Francis, speaks to us about so frequently. This type of ministry makes Christ more present in our world. It is a wonderful and unique short prayer service. The Parish Worship Committee prepared these packets for your use. Please use it.
2025 Calendars - are available on the tables near the church doors. You may take more than one. The cost for 325 calendars is shared equally by IHM Church ($405.37) and Golubski Funeral Home ($405.38). They are bilingual. Each calendar is printed in English and Polish. IHM Parish Pastoral Council members after investigating the cost of printing calendars by ourselves, decided to approach the Golubski Funeral Home to see if they would like to share the cost, and they did. This enabled both of us to advertise ourselves with the context of a Catholic religious calendar. The long standing custom of funeral homes giving churches free religious calendars for advertising purposes has become cost prohibitive. The Council members thought it would be beneficial to have the calendar bilingual. This makes it cost effective. Hopefully, this arrangement will be agreeable to the majority of our parishioners. Fr. Ralph Hudak.
The FEST - is looking for motivated college interns for a paid internship this summer as we celebrate 25 years and plan and prepare for FEST 2025! If you are an event, marketing, communications, logistics or theology major and interested in building your resume while getting hands-on, real-life experience creating an event for 40,000 people, apply today. Send your resume to Caitlin (Caitlin@theFEST.us) by January 10th to apply.
How Well is the Blue Envelope Doing? - You may recall my explanation about the Diocese of Cleveland's "Keeping the Faith" program on the weekend of November 19, 2023 at all of our Masses. Parishes without schools have been asked by Bishop Malesic to partner with a parish with a school. IHM parish is collaborating with St. Stanislaus Elementary school through the use of the blue envelope found in your monthly mailed home packet of envelopes. The total amount given to the school as of October 28, 2024 is $3,052.00. This is the donated amount received from January to October 2024. This will be an ongoing appeal to help the school, and our commitment as requested by Bishop Malesic. I will keep you posted as we present the money to the school. Thank you to all who have been able to participate. Father Ralph Hudak.
Immaculate Heart of Mary's Polish Parish School of Religion (PPSR) - meets on Sundays at 11:00 am-Noon in the convent for grades K-8. It starts September 15. For more information or to register, contact Fr. Andrzej Panek at 216-341-2734, Beata Pierzynski at 216-355-7424 or come to the convent on Sunday at this specific time period.
Hurricane Relief - Catholic Charities USA, the official domestic relief agency of the Catholic Church in the United States, is currently providing support and assistance to its Diocesan Catholic Charities member agencies throughout the regions that are being impacted by Hurricane Helene. Catholic Charities USA is accepting donations via this form to provide humanitarian relief to those in need through the good work of Catholic Charities agencies. (https://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/?form=helene&utm_campaign=20240924_00211_HeleneWeb&utm_medium=organic&utm_source=website&utm_
"My Daily Prayers" is a Free Daily - recording of prayers led by bishops and priests of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, delivered each day directly to your email. "My Daily Prayers" invites you to spend about 10 minutes in prayer and reflection each day and offers encouragement to enter into a deeper relationship with our Lord. Sign up at: (dioceseofcleveland.org/MyDailyPrayers).
Mass Intentions for the Year 2025 - can be reserved beginning Tuesday, June 25th in the rectory at 9:30 a.m. Remember to schedule a Mass for your beloved dead, and any other special occasion. The 2024 Mass Intention Book still has openings. They are listed in the church bulletin. The Parish Mass Intention Policy is in the bulletin, too.
Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate (SSMI) - who have served in the Diocese of Cleveland since 1976 are leaving and returning to their Provincial House in Maryland, July 24, 2024. They were a part of our parish through these many years, Their Special Ministry to the Aged, which was part of Catholic Charities, served the homebound elderly in Slavic Village and the surrounding neighborhoods, providing transportation, meals, interpretation and translation services, home visits, case management, spiritual care and most recently, full time ministry at the Holy Family Hospice Home in Parma. May God's blessings be upon them as they continue their ministry in new surroundings.
Please Join Us! Hot Meal Program Every Thursday - located at Holy Name Church, 8328 Broadway Ave. Sponsored by the St. John Paul II Ozanam Center. Dinner is served in the parish hall every Thursday between 4:00-5:30 p.m. NO TAKE-OUTS ALLOWED.
Regional Parish School of Religion - sponsored by St. John Nepomucene Parish is accepting registration for any student in grades 1-8 for the 2024-2025 school year. We accept and serve children from Slavic Village and Southeast Cleveland parishes. Classes will be done using a "Home-School Model". Call the rectory office at (216-641-8444 ext. 10) or email (judith.lasecki@yahoo.com) for more information and to register.
Pre-Cana Program at the Jesuit Retreat Center - 5629 State Road in Parma (440-884-9300). Register-on-line (click on "Retreats & Programs", go down to "Pre-Cana"). The festivity and emotion of your wedding day is a wonderful time in your life that you will never forget - but maintaining a sacramental union is hard work and must be your fist priority for the rest of your life. The beauty and serenity of JRC is the ideal place to spend the day with your soon-to-be-spouse. Topics to be covered include: Communication, Sexuality, Everyday Living and the Sacrament of Marriage. The day will include prayer, presentations, couple sharing, Mass and dinner. Dress is causal. Cost $80.00/couple. Time: 12:00 pm-6:00 pm. Dates fill quickly, register early! Dates are all on Sunday:
March 23
April 6
May 4
January 19, 2025 June 1
February 16 August 24
See the Diocese of Cleveland for other Pre-Cana programs: (https://www.dioceseofcleveland.org/offices/parish-life/marriage-and-family-ministry/marriage/pre-cana).
Drive-Thru Produce Distribution - On the 4th Wednesday of every month at Cleveland Clinic Marymount Hospital while supplies last. Enter off 126th Street, follow the signs and cones. Our mobile food pantry is FREE: distribution of fresh fruits and vegetables to promote healthy eating in our community. Please bring your photo ID, must have name, address, date of birth and phone number. Make sure your trunk or rear seat is clear to receive items. The remaining date: December 18.
The Catholic Cemeteries Association - offers free, safe and compassionate monthly Grief Support meetings in-person in six of our offices and virtually. For more information or questions visit: (https://www.clecem.org/information/Bereavement.aspx), or call Rhonda at 216-930-4866.
IHM Parishioners Support Catholic Education Through the Use of the Blue Envelope - The diocese program "Keeping the Faith" has been implemented in IHM parish by collaborating with St. Stanislaus Elementary School. Through the use of the blue envelope in your mailed home packet, 24 parishioners have already contributed $450.00 towards the St. Stanislaus Elementary School. You are encouraged to support Catholic education in this endeavor as the opportunity presents itself for you. Thank you!
2025 English and Polish Missalettes - They are NEW! Both of these liturgical aides are used for one whole year. Let's keep them in good condition. An appropriate way to do so is by placing the Polish missalettes ONLY into the plastic racks attached to the back of the pew, and by placing the English missalette on the end of the pew seat near the aisle side. The English missalette is too thick for many of the plastic racks. This method will hopefully eliminate damage to the missalettes and more damage to the plastic book racks. Many of the racks are already cracked. Cost for the missalettes: English - 224 @ $1,785.28 and Polish - 250 @ $2,970.31. Cost includes shipping and handling.
Fr. Andrew Panek Will Celebrate Once-a-Week on Sunday the 8:30 a.m. Polish Mass at St. John Cantius Church Beginning January 7, 2024 - Fr. Jim Roach, pastor of St. John Cantius, requested Fr. Panek's help, because Fr. Andrew Knapik was granted early-retirement status for health reasons. This took effect October 1, 2023. Fr. Knapik will return to Poland in the near future. The Bishop's office is aware of this situation, and it encourages priests help one another when the need arises. This does not change Fr. Andrew Panek's assignment at IHM, and he will be back in time to celebrate the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass at IHM. His living quarters will remain at IHM. The location of St. John Cantius: near Westside of Cleveland, 906 College Avenue.
New Blue Envelope will be in your Monthly Mailed Home Envelope Packet Beginning in January 2024 - You may recall my explanation about the Diocese of Cleveland's "Keeping the Faith" program on the weekend of November 19, 2023 at all of our Masses. Parishes without schools have been asked by Bishop Malesic to partner with a parish with a school. IHM parish is partnering with St. Stanislaus Elementary school. People can help in many ways, but IHM's Parish Pastoral Council has suggested that we try this envelope method. The blue envelope is entitled: "Future of Catholic Elementary Schools" - IHM Parish in collaboration with St. Stanislaus School - Cleveland. You have an opportunity to assist our neighboring parish school financially through the use of this envelope whenever you so desire. The money collected through this envelope will then be given to St. Stanislaus Elementary School to be used according to their discretion. A periodic report will be given about how much money has been donated to the school. This is a developing partnership between our two parishes and throughout the Diocese of Cleveland. Therefore, more information will be forthcoming. Fr. Ralph Hudak
Dear City of Cleveland Senior - As a valued customer of the Cleveland Department of Water, you may be eligible for Cleveland Water's Homestead Program. This program offers lower rates on your water and sewer bills. To qualify, you must meet the following criteria: 1) For the Homestead Water Rate Application: 65 years or older, 2) For the Disability Water Rate Application: Under the age of 65 years, 3) Own and live at the service address and 4) Meet current income guidelines, $39,000. Homestead applications are available in our pamphlet racks near the confessionals. If you have any questions, please contact Yolanda Walker, Department of Aging, Utility Liaison at 216-420-7656 (Tues., Thurs., & Fri.) or 216-664-2444 ex 37897 (Mon., & Wed.). Mail applications to: Department of Public Utilities, P.O.Box 94687, Cleveland, Ohio 44101-4687.
Weekly Offering
01/05/2025 - $2,673.00 (R&R) - $366.00
01/12/2025 - $2,070.00 (R&R) - $256.00
Keeping the Faith (St. Stanislaus School) - $137.00
Solemnity of Mary - $1,728.00 Christmas Flowers - $905.00
Thank you for supporting IHM church! Father Ralph Hudak
The 2025 Mass Intention Book is opened! To schedule in person, please come to the rectory on Monday & Friday, 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.. The stipend for a Mass intention is the Diocesan recommended $10. Only TWO weekend Masses will be permitted per every five intentions scheduled. To accommodate those with a work-schedule, homebound or traveling a long distance conflict, we will accept requests in writing. These may be mailed to the rectory (6700 Lansing Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44105) or place in the Sunday collection basket. Please mark the envelope "Mass Intentions", include in it your name, phone number, the name for whom the Mass is intended, Mass date and time and stipend. Make checks out to "Immaculate Heart of Mary Church". If you have a special anniversary to celebrate, DO NOT WAIT until the last minute to schedule it!
Reminder About the Three-Year Nationwide Eucharistic Revival - In their November 2021 meeting, the U.S. bishops announced their intention to launch this revival. This effort officially began on Corpus Christi Sunday, June 19,2022 and it includes a Eucharistic Congress in 2024. The bishops' goal is to "rekindle Christ by embracing Truth, Beauty and Goodness of His Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist". A diocesan focus will include Eucharistic processions and adoration events. Beginning in 2023, the Parish year will emphasize what the Eucharist really means. The third year, 2024, includes a Eucharistic Congress in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis from July 17-21. Further developments of this revival will be forth coming.
Standing with Moms in Need (for your information) - "The Catholic Church has a long history of service to those who are most vulnerable and remains the largest private provider of social services in the United States. Through the sacrificial efforts of faithful Catholics, the Church serves millions through diocesan ministries and agencies. Catholic hospitals and schools and parishes. From religious communities to pregnancy care centers, from refugee resettlement services to foster care and adoption agencies, and from maternity homes to parish based ministries, the Church consistently bears witness in word and deed to the beauty and dignity of every human life - including both mother and child". (U.S, Conference of Catholic Bishops)
Information for Senior Age People - If you have an IRA retirement account and you are 70 1/2 years old or older, please consider an IRA Charitable Rollover to benefit your parish, Catholic Charities, Priestly Formation, Catholic Education or another ministry in the Diocese of Cleveland and/or a "Not for Profit" organization in the community. For more information, read some of the material placed on the church bulletin board or in the two pamphlet racks near the confessionals.
Are you in the process of moving? - In order to serve you the best way possible, we need your current information. Any changes in your family information should be updated with the Parish Office. Thank You!
Catholic Cemeteries Association Grief Support/ "In-office" and "Virtual" - We continue to provide free monthly grief support groups in two formats: In-office (3pm) and Virtually (5pm). Our Grief Support Groups meet the 3rd Sunday of every month. Meetings are open discussion format, surrounding a monthly topic or whatever is on your heart. They do not build off each other so you can stop in any month and fit right in. If you are not yet able to talk about your grief, just come to listen and be in the presence of those who understand. The February 16 topic is "What's Normal in Grief". We offer a comfortable, private and safe environment where you are free to explore your grief. Come and be in the presence of those who understand.
Catholic Cemeteries Association follows the guidelines set by the CDC, the State of Ohio and the Diocese of Cleveland regarding COVID-19 protocols. We do, however, strongly suggest that those not yet vaccinated or who are otherwise vulnerable, continue to wear a facemask. CCA will continue to follow strong hygiene practices and encourage all who are ill to stay at home. Our Virtual Grief Support Group and our monthly grief support e-newsletter are excellent alternatives for individuals who are not able to join us in person for Grief Support.
In-office/ 3-4 pm at St. Joseph Cemetery, Avon (new office); Holy Cross Cemetery Akron (office); Holy Cross Brook Park (office); Calvary Cemetery Cleveland (office); All Saints Cemetery Northfield (office) and All Souls Cemetery Chardon (office).
Virtual/ 5-6 pm via ZOOM follows the same monthly topic discussion as the in-office groups. Sign-up at (http://bit.ly/ccavirtualgriefsupportgroup) to receive login information and the handout materials. You can join virtually from any Wi-Fi enabled area via computer, laptop, smartphone or even without Wi-Fi (via audio only) from your analog phone. If you do not have Wi-Fi or email, please contact Rhonda at 216-930-4866.
Your RSVP for both In-Person and Virtual Grief Support is appreciated but not required to attend. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Rhonda at 216-930-4866 or rabrams@clecem.org.
"A Closer Walk with Thee" - (CCA Monthly Grief Support E-Newsletter) - This e-newsletter is emailed the first Tuesday of each month to any family/individual who has expressed an interest in our bereavement programs. To subscribe to this valued grief support resource, visit: https://www.clecem.org/Information/Bereavement.aspx and click the tan signup box on the right side, contact Rhonda rabrams@clecem.org or at 216-930-4866. You can also click this link and go directly to the signup: https://bit.ly/ccabereavementbulletin.
Protecting God's Children - The Diocese of Cleveland's "Protecting God's Children" program is a continuing effort to instruct and inform everyone about the protection of children from sexual abuse. To report any past of present suspected inappropriate behavior toward children by priests, deacons, religious, lay ecclesial ministers or personnel associated with the Church, please contact the Diocesan response Service Office at 216-334-299 or via email at responseservices@dioceseofcleveland.org. You are also asked to immediately inform local authorities about inappropriate behavior.
Practicing Spiritual Communion - When the faithful are unable physically to attend Mass, they should be recommended to practice "spiritual communion", an act to which the saints have given a consistent witness. Spiritual communion is a traditional practice of expressing to the Lord our longing for him and our desire for Him to enter our hearts. St. Theresa of Avila (1515-82) said: "When you do not receive Communion and you do not attend Mass, you can make a spiritual communion, which is a most beneficial practice; by it the love of God will be greatly impressed on you". While there is no formula prescribed by the Church to make an act of spiritual communion, prayers composed by various saints are part of the Church's rich treasury of devotions. One of the more popular acts of spiritual communion comes from St. Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787):
"My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things
and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at
least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there, and unite myself
wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen"
The Sunday Television Mass can be seen at 10:00 am on WUAB Channel 43 - This provides viewers with an opportunity to take part in the weekly celebration of the Mass at a much more convenient time. In addition, WUAB 43 is an over-the-air station that is accessible even to those without cable TV. Those with cable TV need only to check their local cable system listing to determine where WUAB is located on their channel line-up. The weekly TV Mass is produced by the Diocese of Cleveland, it originates from the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in downtown Cleveland. The televised Mass has been a staple of religious programming on Northeast Ohio airways for decades, cultivating a dedicated and faithful following. It is hoped that viewers will continue to tune in on this new station at this new, more convenient time. The TV Mass can also be accessed on demand starting Saturday evening and running throughout Sunday on the Diocese of Cleveland website, www.dioceseofcleveland.org. In addition, the Mass can be heard on the radio, on AM 1260 The Rock at 4:00 pm on Saturdays and 10:30 am on Sundays. Also, radio station WINT-1330 AM airs the Mass each Sunday at 9:00 am and Cox Communications cable subscribers can view the Mass on Sunday at 11:30 am on channel 45 and cable station 18 EWTN has its own Sunday and weekday (8:00 am, Noon and 7:00 pm) schedule of Masses. In addition to the Holy Mass, AM 1260 The Rock offers numerous opportunities for prayer throughout the day. The Holy Rosary at 5:30 am and 9:30 pm and the Divine Mercy Chaplet: 5:00 am Monday thru Friday; 3:00 pm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please visit am1260therock.com for their full schedule.
The Mass is the Greatest of Prayers - Some reasons for Mass intentions are an expression of our faith, belief in life after death, belief in the power of prayer to help the deceased during their time of purification (souls in purgatory), for a particular person or persons who have died, for an anniversary of death, wedding anniversary, for health, alcohol-drug addiction, financial help, peace in the world, for our government, a happy death, respect for life, Devotion to Mary or other special intentions.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
My spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has
looked with favor on His lowly servant.
From this day, all generations will call me
The Almighty has done great things for me,
And Holy is His Name.
He has mercy on those who fear Him in
Every generation.
He has shown the strength of His arm,
He has scattered the proud in their conceit.
He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,
And has lifted up the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
And the rich He has sent away empty.
He has come to the help of His servant Israel
For He remembered His promise of mercy,
The promise He made to our fathers,
To Abraham and his children forever
Immaculate Heart of Mary
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary shine before the eyes of all Christians as the model of perfect love toward God and toward our fellow beings; may it lead them toward the Holy Sacraments by virtue of which souls are cleansed from the stains of sin and are preserved from it. May it also stimulate them to make reparation for the innumerable offenses against the Divine Majesty. Lastly, may it shine like a banner of unity and a spur to perfect the bonds of brotherhood among all Christians in the bosom of the one Church of Jesus Christ, which "taught by the Holy Spirit, honors her with filial affection and piety as a most beloved mother"